I am sure that the individuals who send it on do so with good intention, but they should be alerted to its authenticity merely by the fact that this is such an amateur power point presentation that even I would be embarrassed to send it on if I had produced something similar. Anyway the beating heart could be used on a Valentine’s Day Card with good effect!!
It also refers to some poor hospital “Journal Article” which did not look like a valid scientific reference to me, so I googled it and found the following information on the Rochester General Hospital website alluding to the e-mail.
Elsewhere on the internet, there is reference to some of the information being published by the Mended Hearts, a support group for heart disease sufferers and their families and they have since disavowed it and have published something to this effect on their website as well.

On a more serious note, if you have a problem let common sense prevail and get the right advice from a reliable source. Too often people get caught up in silly advice that should obviously lead one to contemplate this with serious suspicion!